

詹姆斯敦 社区 College recognizes the important role adjunct faculty members play in helping the college meet our community's diverse educational needs.

学术领导 & 行政协助

Each adjunct has a coordinator or director who is responsible for oversight of the discipline. When you have academic issues, contact your discipline director or coordinator.


工作人员 扩展 校园 部门
艾伦·安德鲁斯 1011 詹姆斯敦 职业治疗助理(职业治疗助理)
玛琳Hamrick 1170 詹姆斯敦,卡特拉格斯县 护理
克里斯汀•约翰逊 1140 詹姆斯敦 艺术、人文、健康科学(AHHS)
琴伊察莫拉莱斯 1310 詹姆斯敦 科学、技术、工程 & 数学(STEM)
伯大尼Sellstrom 1220 詹姆斯敦 社会科学 & 业务(SSBU)
艾米丽·汤姆森 7558 Cattaraugus县 艺术、人文、健康科学(AHHS)


Each faculty member is encouraged to include a policy statement on academic integrity in their course syllabi to promote a positive learning environment. 如果您对如何制定政策有疑问,请咨询 学生团体的组成 to review the college’s statement on academic integrity or ask your department head for advice. 有些院系有供所有教师使用的标准政策.


您的员工信息, 安排课程, 当然花名册, and directory information regarding each student enrolled in your course sections are in 横幅. 使用横幅系统以电子方式提交人口普查, 学期中段, 以及期末成绩信息, 并承认教师负荷和补偿(FLAC)合同.

人口普查花名册 & 成绩报告

Respond promptly to any official college correspondence regarding census rosters, 期中考试的成绩, 最后的成绩, 等. 人口普查花名册 are the official college records that show which students are attending courses and are used to determine the semester full-time equivalents (FTEs) for state aid.

  • 如果学生正在上课,请回答“是”。.
  • If not, indicate 'No' and either enter a Last Attend Date or check the 'Never Attended' box.
  • 如果学生恢复上课, you can assign them a six-week grade and they will automatically be reinstated as a member of the class.

人口普查、期中和期末成绩由教员在 横幅. All grades must be entered by the specified time unless prior arrangements have been made with the registrar’s office. 必须为名单上的每个学生填写一个等级. Additional instructions on how to submit census information and your grades electronically are available from your Academic Affairs assistant.


不管你是否把出勤率作为评分的一部分, 你必须为学校记录出勤情况. 对于任何在你的课上得了"F"的学生, 你必须能够说明学生最后一次上课的日期. 一定要知道你的课程的“W”(退课)截止日期, 特别是如果这不是一个15周的课程, 然后告诉你的学生.

课程 & 办公时间

The number of hours an adjunct can teach is limited; please speak with your division 迪安, 主任或协调员进一步澄清. All adjunct faculty are required to hold at least one office hour per week for each section taught. 


返回的兼职教授必须遵守上一学年使用的标准. Directors and coordinators will review syllabi that were not reviewed in the last year, 包括所有新的辅助教学大纲.


对于新员工, classroom observations will occur during each of the first two semesters, 一般在上课的第六周之前. 此后,观测将至少每三年进行一次. 主管或协调员, 迪安, 或指定专职教师进行观察. Official evaluations completed by students are to be done each of the first three semesters for new hires, 之后每年一次. These evaluations will be made available to the instructor after the semester has ended. Faculty may also administer the Optional Fourth Week Faculty Evaluation Form 如有需要,可以在学期早期收集非正式反馈.


The SUNY Records Retention and Disposition Policy states that all completed final exams must be kept for one year. “Final”被理解为综合考试. If you give a "last" exam, then it is recommended you do not call it a final. If you give comprehensive finals and return them to students, do so only after a copy is made. It is recommended that the student receives a copy and the original is kept on file.


按照国家教育部门的要求, each adjunct instructor must provide the Academic Affairs assistant with a copy of their course syllabus at the beginning of the semester. The syllabus must include an explanation of how the final course grade is to be calculated. 在学期结束时, adjuncts must submit a copy of their grade book or grade spreadsheet including the formula used to determine grades. This information is used only in the case that a student challenges a grade and the instructor is no longer available.


鼓励学生,教师和工作人员联系 JCC服务台 (716.338.1122 or JCCHelpDesk@mail.pulounge.com),以解答一般计算问题, 电脑室预订, 办公室技术问题, 或者网络突发网赌信誉排名网站.

JCC & 纽约州立大学学费减免

JCC tuition can be waived for adjuncts and their immediate family members. The number of credits of free tuition is equivalent to the total number of credit or contact hours that have been taught. 你的信用有效期为五年. SUNY also offers some partial tuition assistance if you are taking graduate courses within the SUNY system.


JCC的教员谈判单位是JCC的教员协会, affiliated with the New York State United Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers. 教职员协会的会员享有投票权, 查阅各委员会的报告, and updates on periodic contract negotiations with College administration. 有关会员信息和会费问题, 联系阿曼达·巴特尔斯,会员主席. 有关一般资料,请浏览 联系南希·格里斯沃尔德FAJCC兼职事务副总裁.


  • 每学期 you will need to electronically acknowledge your contract in 横幅.


教师应满足所有预定的课程. In those circumstances when you must be absent during a scheduled class time, a Request For Prior Approval form must be submitted at least one week in advance. It is not the responsibility of the Academic Affairs assistants or other staff members to proctor quizzes, 测试, 和考试或考勤. Alternative plans may be discussed with your coordinator, director, or 迪安.


SUNY requires 750 minutes of instruction for each credit or contact hour. 如因任何原因缺课, 包括天气或教练生病, it is expected you will do everything possible to make up the class time. 如果你不确定你的选择,和你的院长谈谈. 因此,我希望你不要提早罢课. 例如, it is not appropriate to give an exam during a three-hour class where students are free to leave after spending an hour on the exam.


A fund has been established to provide stipends for adjunct faculty to attend college-sponsored faculty development activities. 每个助教每学年最多可以申请四次50美元的津贴. Requests must have the prior approval of the division 迪安 or director of libraries, 适当的, 先到即止, 标间.


提供技术培训的技术会议. 如果您对具体培训感兴趣,请网赌信誉排名网站 Training@mail.pulounge.com.


The college receives FTE reimbursement for tutorial services provided to students. 每学期, the learning centers on both campuses submit records of tutorial hours, 哪些会被计算入全职工作津贴. The time faculty spend tutoring students during 办公时间 may also be submitted for reimbursement. You may log any student you assist as long as your help is course or subject related.